Manual wall selection
Furniture is always placed in the room relative to a selected wall.
- You can select walls using the icons located below the display interface.
- The floor is also an independent, selectable surface equivalent to the walls.
Automatic wall selection
In the menu view, the following settings can be found under the View menu.
There are two automatic wall selection options. If the lower icon is activated, the wall facing us is always active. The current wall can automatically change as the space is moved or rotated. With the upper icon, the wall associated with the currently selected item will always be active.
When the display selected wall icon is activated, the selected wall is indicated by a thick blue line on the floor plane. A triangle at the left end of the line (wall) shows the active side of the wall, pointing inward. This is especially significant for walls standing in space.
The visibility of the current wall can be adjusted. If turned off, the wall does not appear, but furniture can still be placed on it, creating a fictional carrier plane. The selection still indicates the wall's location.
Auxiliary measurement grid
By activating the left icon, a 10 cm interval auxiliary measurement grid appears on the current wall, numbered every meter. The direction of numbering can be changed with the right icon.
Keywords: #wall selection #auxiliary measurement grid
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