By clicking the icon circled in red, we navigate from the manufacturing preparation page to the settings page.
This page has 3 views. The third one is the material summary settings.
Material summary header
On the left side, we can set the header and columns of the material summary table, similar to the element list columns.
- If the front prices from size table switch is turned on, the prices of the fronts will be calculated based on the table set on the Object database / Size table page. Otherwise, the unit price of the raw material obtained from the material replacement will be the basis of the price, similar to other items.
Material list groupings
On the right side, the groupings of the material list can be set.
Here, 3 smaller lists can be seen.
- The left one contains the list groups. These are manually editable items, so new ones can be added, deleted, moved, or renamed in the usual way. One or more material groups can be assigned to each list group.
- Material groups are defined on the Base components page. These are listed in the right list. The arrow icon below the list can be used to assign the selected material group to the selected list group.
- The middle list contains the material groups chosen for the list group. These can be edited with the icons below the middle list.
- For any list group with the Detailed switch turned on, its items will not be merged but will appear as separate rows in the summary. When merged, materials will be listed according to their own unit of measure, but if the detailed switch is applied, they will appear as piece goods. For example, in the case of Fronts, applying this switch will give us a list where the fronts are sorted by size as piece goods; otherwise, they will appear in the list as m² material, as a single item.
The handles, mouldings and worktop switches will cause these items to appear at the end of the list, but only if all furniture is selected. The prices for these are calculated according to the list price system. These do not need to be added to the material replacement.
- The numbered icons on the top icon row allow you to choose from 10 templates.
- Before switching to another template, changes must be saved with the save settings icon
next to them.
Keywords: #material summary #material list #list group #material group #front m² #front piece
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