By clicking the icon circled in red, we navigate from the manufacturing preparation page to the settings page.
This page has 3 views. The second one is the element list settings.
The rows and columns of the element list can be set on a separate interface.
Element list rows
Here you can set which rows the element list should contain and in what grouping and order they should appear.
Type filtering
The rows can be filtered based on the material types that can be entered in the basic components.
- Clicking on it brings up a window containing the types, where you can check which types of materials should be included in your list. This allows you to create a list containing only fittings, only corpus materials, or everything. Each type corresponds to a character. es.png
Here you can choose which highlighted rows the list should contain, i.e., based on what properties the rows should be grouped.
- On the listing page, the selection list will be populated according to this setting, from which you will need to choose to make the listing happen.
- It is also possible to select secondary selection. In this case, you need to choose from two properties on the list to get a list.
Element list columns
Here you can enter the list header
- Here you can choose which of the 28 available properties should appear in the list as columns. It can also be set what the column name should be in the list, as some columns may only fit an abbreviation due to space constraints. Column widths can be adjusted directly in the list header with the mouse and saved with the save icon.
Clicking the delete icon will delete the contents of the column.
- The numbered icons on the top icon row allow you to choose from 10 templates.
- Before switching to another template, changes must be saved with the save settings icon
next to them.
Keywords: #element list settings #type filtering #templates #selection
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