By clicking the button indicated with the red frame, we navigate from the manufacturing preparation page to the Selection of material (change) page.
Here you can select the materials for the furniture.
The material replacement process
- We assemble the furniture from basic elements, which are always defined with fictional materials.
- When the furniture is placed in the room, the fictional materials are replaced with real materials. These replacements can be defined on this page, as well as choosing from already defined replacements.
- In the left column of the left list, all fictional materials that have been assigned some replacement are displayed, and the current replacement is shown on the right. If we select a row, all defined replacements for the given fictional material will appear in the middle list (options). The chosen one will be the current one for that row. Among the replacements, there is always an automatic none option. If this is selected, the material will not appear in the element list.
- The entire replacement row can be saved and reloaded. These can be seen in the list on the right. The icons below the list can be used to manage them accordingly.
- When exiting the page, changes will apply to all furniture.
If we navigate to this page with a piece of furniture selected in the list and check the checkbox, we can change its properties individually.
Defining material replacements
We navigate to the page where replacements can be defined using the general page Settings / details button.
- In the top table, we can see all replacement options. Rows with the same left side will appear as one row on the selection page, and the number of them will be the number of options for the replacement, plus the automatic "none".
- Both names on either side are freely assignable and editable, independent of the actual names of the materials. They can be edited with the icons next to the list.
- Each main replacement can have several specific replacements.
- In the wide middle list, we see the replacements for the selected row in the top list. Clicking on these, we get the details of the replacement in the lower part.
- In the wide middle list, we see the replacements for the selected row in the top list. Clicking on these, we get the details of the replacement in the lower part.
- When we select a material and enter the material replacement, a filter is automatically applied to the currently selected material. This can be modified in the second field on the left; in the picture, for example, the furniture material is included in the filter.
This entire section is divided into three parts along with the long list:
- In the left column, we see the fictitious materials, which is what I am replacing. The middle part is what I am replacing them with, i.e., the specific materials.
- The right column is the specifics of the material. If these materials can be identified with a color code, the << Automatic Color Matching >> label appears in the list.
- In this case, the program automatically finds the specific material based on the color settings.
- If there is no color code, e.g., hinges, fittings, etc., then the actual material names provided on the raw material page will appear here. In this case, you need to choose from these in the replacement.
- If there are several variations and you want to provide a selection option during the process, you need to define replacements for each one separately.
- In this case, the program automatically finds the specific material based on the color settings.
- The new change button allows you to define a new replacement after setting what to replace with what.
- The modify button allows you to change the content of existing replacements.
- The delete icons allow you to delete the replacements individually or collectively.
With the icon, you can open a new list showing the basic elements whose material is the current fictional material.
Keywords: #material replacement #material selection #material settings #furniture material #furniture materials #new replacement #individual material replacement
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