In the colour selection interfaces, whether in properties or additional colours, you can set your own photos or colors by right-clicking.
You have two options to choose from.
Setting a texture
In this case, a drive, subdirectory, and file selection option will appear. You can browse the entire computer and select any photo file with a JPG or PNG extension.
Setting a solid colour
Here, you can mix a desired fill colour from the three colour components: red, green, blue (RGB), or with the Colour mixer.
When applying your own photos or colours, the starting colour or texture will be replaced with the newly chosen one, but only in the given room. This will be saved with the room and, of course, will be read back, but it will be lost when a new room is opened.
The replacement only applies to the RGB/mixed colour or the color file. It does not apply to the other properties set in the colour editor (true to size, stretched, glossy matte, reflective, etc.). These will remain, meaning the replaced image will use the original properties. Therefore, it's also worth paying attention to what you are replacing.
Keywords: #own photos #custom colours #texture #solid colour
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