Each cabinet group is assigned a size system, which is usually set to the general one by default from the factory.
If you create a custom size system and set it as the default, it will be the active system when you start the program. If you immediately place a cabinet from the currently open cabinet group, the custom size system will be retained in the current design.
But if you haven’t placed any cabinets yet and start browsing through the cabinet groups, the size system of the currently selected main cabinet group will always become active, and it will remain active after placing the first cabinet.
To avoid accidental changes to the size system, you can assign your custom size system to each cabinet group in the cabinet database under the main group data section. After making the assignments, save your changes by clicking the OK button.
This must be done for each Main Group, such as Base Cabinets, Wall Cabinets, Pantry Cabinets, etc
Keywords: #custom schema #cabinet main group #custom size system
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