In this window, you can edit the dimensions and switches of the size system.
You can navigate to the size system editing page from the dimension page using the indicated icon.
- The dimensions and switches editing options appear in separate frames.
Sizes, reserved for users
- You can specify up to 2100 size. All 2100 are listed in the table.
From rows 1640 to 1790, you can enter your own dimensions according to user needs, which can be applied during equipment or cabinet manufacturing.
- Select a row. You can change the name, value, and description of the selected dimension, then apply it with the modify button.
Change the order of dimensions.
Sort the list based on identifiers, not order.
Open the Calculation table. Similar to base elements, you can assign a calculation table to dimensions, allowing the value of the selected dimension to change based on calculation. Dimensions with a calculation display a # character next to their identifier. Direct value assignment makes no sense here, as calculations override it. Note that calculations can only reference dimension system elements with smaller identifiers (indexes).
- The number of switches is unlimited, but their order cannot be changed.
- Use the add switch button to create a new switch at the end of the list. Choose the number of positions and press modify. Only the last switch can be deleted.
Creating switches
- Switch views must be created manually as 36x36 pixel .bmp files in the ...\icons\valtok\ subdirectory. Their names should consist of two numbers separated by a hyphen. The first number is the switch index, and the second is the switch position. For example, 46-2.bmp represents the second position of switch index 46.
- The current state of switches can only be referenced in calculation tables.
Keywords: #edit size systems #own size #custom size #new size #switches #creating switches #new switch
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