Why might the handle profile be located at the top of the upper door?
In the case of pantry cabinets, this can occur if the fronts are arranged such that the upper front starts from the height of the lower cabinet, and we have chosen a handle profile pattern made from the same material, such as the Nett-front impulse and the Csercsics decowood front pattern. In this case, the handle profile is located at the top of the upper door.
This issue is not fundamentally caused by an error and can be easily remedied.
Vertical direction change
The program includes a feature that allows for a "vertical direction change" between the lower and upper cabinets due to the pattern. We can override this for the specific furniture in the furniture designer.
In the settings of the selected front, we have 3 options for the vertical direction change.
- The first is "Automatic direction change"
, which is enabled by default for upper cabinets and the upper doors of pantry cabinets. If the starting position of the upper front is lower than the size set for front reversal, the door will not be reversed. We can change the size limit in the basic settings, in the arrangement column.
- The second is "Normal position"
, where the default setting according to the design of the front is in effect (this is usually the top edge of the door for handle profile doors).
- The third is "Reversed position"
, where the original designed front is rotated 180°, regardless of height.
Open the specific pantry cabinet in the furniture designer, then select the upper front among the components, and in its properties, choose the reversed position for the vertical front pattern mirroring. Click the modify button, and then save.
After pulling the element back into the design, it will now be positioned correctly with the handle at the top. A fixed material handle profile door front should not be confused with a milled edge handle, as the latter is treated as a separate handle by the program and can be moved in the arranger by changing the handle position.
Keywords: #front pattern #direction change #vertical direction change #grooved handle profile #finger groove
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