Here, you can customize the color scheme of the software.
User interface colours
When you click on a color, its RGB (red, green, blue) components will appear on the right. Moreover, using the colour mixer described in Colour Designer / Colour-Material Settings, you can create unique colours or choose from a list. You can also copy the selected colours and paste them to other components.
Background colours
A new feature of version 3.7 allows you to change the background colours of the design and editor interfaces to darker shades, which is easier on the eyes during prolonged work.
Saved colour schemes
Of course, you can save your colour schemes and read the saved schemes back in.
After importing, you'll receive a notification that you'll need to restart the software for the changes to take full effect everywhere. You can do this immediately by clicking the OK button, and the software will suggest exiting Piper. Naturally, you can also save the room you are currently working on.
Keywords: #software colour #background colour #colour setting
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