The global settings of the software can be configured on this interface.
Opening Basic settings from the menu or icon view:
Price multipliers:
General multipliers that aren't dependent on specific furniture or materials. For more detailed information, refer to the price structure page.
VAT rate:
Generally applicable (%).
Price entry and display in gross:
Toggle separately whether the entered price and the displayed value on the screen are net or gross. The default is net.
Values calculated can be rounded based on the parameters specified here, especially when net values affect gross values and vice versa.
- Customize the drawer solutions developed in the software here. Choose from the added drawer solutions on the properties page. Drawer interiors need to be defined among the basic elements so that each different solution enters a separate main group. Specify the main group's identifier for every type. This can be found on the basic elements page.
- If you activate the switch on the right, the program will also insert the drawer behind a glass front.
- Within the selected main group, the drawer that fits the available size will be incorporated. If no size is suitable, the program will issue a warning.

Default room sizes
Set the room dimensions that appear automatically at startup.
Warning in the case of invalid size
Specify dimension limits for each piece of furniture. If this switch is off, furniture can be placed even in non-permitted dimensions. If the switch is on, extra-sized furniture cannot be placed, triggering a warning.
Element is numbering
For easy identification, every element gets a serial number based on their order of insertion. Removing an item triggers re-numbering.
Element is renemable
Rename furniture if checked. The new name appears on drawings, price lists, and production preparations.
Size in the code in mm
See the width of the arranged furniture in its code after placement.
Reverse highlighting order
Invert the order of furniture selection.
Don't show forbidden groups
Do not display unavailable (unpurchased) groups.
Menu view
A menu system appears in the layout editor instead of icons when enabled. More details about the new view can be found on the Menu View page.
Navigation in Piper (WASD)
(WASD) Enable the WASD keys for navigation.
Show remaining days in heder
- Old floor plan designer
Turn front at this height
Set the height where pantry cabinet upper fronts rotate (vertical direction change).

Subtract edge band thicknesses
Automatically subtract edge seal sizes from boards in the production list.
Number of decimals (rounded)
Determine to which decimal place the program should round values in the production list.
Disable protection
By default, the elements and settings of the basic element and machining modules are protected against accidental modification, changes to these are made at your own risk. When disabling the protection, a warning will appear in a pop-up window.
Increase font size
For detailed drawings, workshop drawings, and printing images. Set a point value to increase the font size on-screen compared to printouts.
The autosave function automatically saves our scene periodically, which can be searched for separately if our workflow is interrupted without saving, due to power outages or other issues.
All changes must be confirmed with the Modify button.
Keywords: #prices #multiplier #VAT rate #drawers #menu view #front flip #autosave #save #old floor plan designer #disable protection #basic setting
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