To use the Drilling module, you need to perform a complete Piper 3D installation. Don't worry, your previous work and plans will not be lost, the installation will not be complicated, and we will be more than happy to help you if you encounter any issues.
Along with the Drilling module, Piper's core database has undergone a significant facelift. You can fully utilize the Drilling Module's functionality with the 3.9 database.
- Run a full installation from the link available at Our system will install the latest program and the new 3.9 database, which includes the drilling templates.
It's important to note that the installer will not overwrite your existing database, and your work will not be lost. The installer will rename your old database to Backup. You can use this database as it is with the new program if you wish (although it's not recommended), or you can import your work from it into the new database.
- After the installation is complete, you can start using the Drilling module. Here's how to import your old work into the new database.
Attention! If you worked with custom basic elements in your previous database, you will not be able to import your custom developments into the new database. You can use the Drilling module with your old database; you can import the drilling templates into your old database, assign them to your custom-made basic elements, and create new drilling templates as desired.
Attention! If you import your old plans into the new database loaded with drilling templates, you will not be able to automatically generate drilling layouts from them until you rearrange the furniture (as the drilling templates are assigned to the new basic elements in the new database).
Keywords: #drilling module
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