On this page, you can import various database elements from another source database.
Open the import menu or icon view:
Importing always happens into the currently active database in the program. The source database from which you want to import must be selected on this page.
Important! On the left side, do not select any subdirectory; only the main directory of the database should be opened!
Note! The imported element will always overwrite the element with the same name already existing in the database!
Selecting the source database
Select the drive containing the source database from the dropdown menu.
- Open the folder where the subdirectories of the database are located, as shown in the picture.
- This folder is named "data" by default and is located in the Piper3D main directory.
- This folder is named "data" by default and is located in the Piper3D main directory.
- Once the folder is opened, the selection options will appear on the right side.
In the top icon row, you can choose what type of element you want to import.
Importing cabinet
Select the Cabinets tab if you want to import cabinets.
- Select the main group of cabinet from the top left list, then select the cabinete group from the bottom left list.
- Select the cabinet(s) you want to import from the right list.
- You can select multiple pieces of furniture using the ctrl or shift keys, as usual in Windows.
- After selecting the cabinet to be imported, click the Import cabinet button.
- You will then find the cabinet in the cabinet database and can arrange it in the room.
- The cabinet will be found in the same group as in the source database.
With added items: If checked, attachments related to the cabinet will also be imported.
With basic elements: The program will import the basic elements related to the cabinet into the basic elements.
Save to file: You can save basic elements to a file. If you import the cabinet with basic elements, it is advisable to press the save to file button after importing. (Saving to file may take a few minutes.)
With prices: If checked, the cabinet will be imported with the prices from the cabinet database.
Importing Size systems, dimensions, and switches
Select the Size system tab if you want to import size systems, dimensions, or switches.
Size systems: You can select and import complete size systems from the left list, even multiple at once.
- With the Import size system button, you can import size systems one-to-one. If a size system with the same name already exists in the current database, it will be replaced.
Note! If there are sizes in the current size system but not in the one to be imported, those values will be reset!
Size, Switches: The middle list allows two options. Above the list, you can choose to import size or switches. Multiple selections are possible.
- Select the dimension(s) or switch(es) to be imported, then click the Import sizes button at the bottom.
Size system drawings: You can import diagrams available in the size system window.
- Select the diagrams to be imported, then click the Import size system rawing button at the bottom.
- The figure can then be selected in the size system window.
Importing Basic elements
Select the Basic elements tab if you want to import basic elements.
- Select the main group of the basic element from the left list.
- Select the basic element(s) to be imported from the right list.
- Click the Import basic element button.
- Since we are importing basic elements, there is also a Save to file button here. It is advisable to press this after importing.
Importing an existing basic element:
If we want to import a basic element that already exists in our current database and only change its values, it is not sufficient to simply select and import the basic element. The values of the basic element will not be overwritten.
- Delete the basic element from the active database first.
- Import the basic element from the source database.
- Press the Save to file button and wait until the cursor stops "spinning" (this may take 2-3 minutes).
- If the basic element has the same name and location, it will automatically be included in the furniture.
Importing colours
Select the Colours tab if you want to import colors.
- In the fields below the list, you can search for colours by name or note.
- You can use the usual * character to search for matches in any part of the name or note.
- You can use the usual * character to search for matches in any part of the name or note.
- Select the color(s) to be imported, then click the Import colour button.
Importing fronts, handles, glasings, worktops, plinths, upstands, pelmets, and cornices
To import front-type elements, select the Fronts tab.
- To the right of the list, you can select the type of front file to be imported, then search for elements in the list.
- You can search the elements' names in the text box below the list. The * character can also be used here.
- Select the element(s) to be imported and click the Import front button at the bottom of the list.
- The imported elements will then be found in the object database.
Importing rooms
Select the Rooms tab if you want to import rooms.
Rooms can be imported from the szobak folder of the source database.
- Select the room(s) to be imported from the list, then click the Import room button.
- The rooms will always be found in the szobak folder of the active database after import.
Importing images
Select the Pictures tab if you want to import images.
Pictures can be imported from the kepek folder of the source database. The buttons above the list allow you to select the file extension of the image files to be listed.
The selected picture will appear to the right of the list. If multiple images are selected, the last selected picture will be shown on the right.
- Select the picture(s) to be imported from the list, then click the Import picture button.
- The imported picture will be found in the kepek folder of the active database after import.
Click the Database tab if you want to import catalogs:
From Piper3D version 3.8.113, you can import cabinet databases and catalogs without database installation.
Keywords: #import #catalog import #without installation
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